Thursday, February 18, 2010

When would an Independent Sales Rep want to know that an Opportunity isn't working ??

My Mentor asked me -  Wouldn't you want to know that something doesn't work ?  Sooner than later I hope - - If the ROAD leads to NO RESIDUALS and something that DOES NOT WORK - -


Imagine your journey lead you through th Desert. Take Noah for instance - it took over 500 years before the floods came. He did believe however many of us do not have 500 years to work an opportunity.  In my company that I rose to the top - I acheived the TOP POSITION in the company !

How come no one ever showed me their RESIDUAL CHECK ?
Why did I believe what people told me ?  Maybe I did'nt want to know the TRUTH....
Maybe I just though that everyone that I worked under would tell me the TRUTH !!!!!

I wonder why my Upline was supposed to help me STOLE my Team Cab Check and wanted me to help them hit the top position by helping them recruit new reps for them when I didnt benefit financially ?  I thought maybe it was just me ??  So I kept going because they said if you never quit then you WIN ... So I turned the other cheek and moved forward to hit Vice President .....  

When you start to look at all the top people in an Opportunity and your company talks about RESIDUAL INCOME - Yet Top Performers who go # 1 and hit the Top Residual Making Position in the Company
Quit ?

Why would they quit if there was BIG RESIDUAL INCOME ?
Perhaps it is because all of the money was in short term activities - such as recruiting reps !!
They say history repeats itself, in my company that definitely was the case because VP's were
quitting every year.

Why would a company attempt to get rid of me or not pay me residuals on a customer base that brings in 25 million dollars a year - - Hmm..  I wonder ..

On a more positive note:  Watch one of my favorite mentors - He wrote a book called the 4 hour work week. Imagine the concept of working less time and making more money ?  Working smarter vs. harder makes sense.

They say that a VW cant outrace a Ferrari - because of the type of vehicle you are in - It doesnt matter how good you dry a VW - The Ferrari is a better vehicle.  What kind of vehicle are you in ?  Is there a cap on your opportunity ?  Does your company promote wealth and abundance or FEAR ?

Fear is if you dont keep going or focus on our opportunity then you get bad mouthed by the company. Abundance comes from being generous - Allowing People to Get Paid !!  Giving more than is expected !

I am working with an ASIAN COMPANY and their main concern is to build a satisfied customer base !
They dont even care if you work and make money in other opportunities because they have confidence
of their customer retention rate !!   In fact some of the top people left our opportunity and took all their leaders and they still get a small check every month for $ 22,000 a month !!  Guess What ? Our company
didnt attempt to deactivate them for leaving because they built the customer base !!

Amazing that a company has over 5 million satisfied customers in Asia and they has a distributor in Asia making 7 figures per month !!!  We have not even started on the 600 million people between Canada and Mexico - - where there are only just below 700 million people !!!

Why do all USA companies threaten leaders or try to deactivate them ... FEAR ...
Maybe the company makes more money by not paying them on the customer base they built.

Some people sa well maybe you should have got more Personal Customers in your 1st Network Marketing Company then you would have a RESIDUAL .  I did acquire close to 250-300 person customers however
better deals came along so unfortunately after acquiring those customer I lost 95% of those customer - even though they were friends  and warm market customers - better deals - better customer service .... I thought maybe it was something I did wrong....  I was an Independent Representative - So I can't really blame the company - because I signed the Independent Representative's Agreement.

3 Customers left out of that many ? What Happened .... Its because of Technology - Technology isnt residual unless your deal is always better than the competition ......


4 HOUR WORK WEEK - Tim Ferris !!

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