Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CHANGE - The Definition of Insanity is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over

For those of you who are Leaders - Change is something that is constant. In my 1st Company - They taught us that the "Definition of Insanity" is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein states " You cannot get out of a problem with the same thinking that got you into that situation" .

Change is something than many business owners and billionaires are familiar with. Most billionaires own multiple businesses and diversify their investments and involvements. The 80/ 20 rule is something where the philosophy is to spend 80% of your efforts on the 20% of your team or companies that produce the most profits.

I would recommend that everyone watch - "Who Moved My Cheese"

I really thought it was me that was messing up in my first Network Marketing Opportunity. I mean I did sign up over 100 representatives at $500. per rep in 10 days and went # 1 in the world in my position however I couldn't see how OTHERS could have done what I did in that company. The other thing was my upline didn't even assist me in qualifying those reps to acquire the Team Cab Bonuses. In a 24 hour period I signed up 27 representatives for $500.00 because it was at the end of the month - We knew that each month we had to clean the slate and start over in order to acquire the customer bonuses.

I thought about the thousands of reps I signed up and asked myself : Maybe I am not the best rep in the company - just one of many leaders - however I don't see too many people wanting or able to do what I did.

I thought if everyone COULD DO - What I did - How much money we could make together ?
So many people had a challenge getting even 2 reps let alone - 20 in a month.

Make sure that if your working any opportunity that when you stop working - that you continue to get paid. That is true residual income !

If RESIDUAL INCOME is for real - all you have to do is look at the top people in your opportunity and ask yourself - Do they have to recruit to make money ? If someone
below them falls out of a position - or loses a customer - will they continue to get paid residuals?

The company I found today - Pays me whether or not people under me stay in their position or not and its based on a satisfied customer base !!! Not Recruiting !! It is DUPLICATABLE !!
My worst reps in the 1st company were my BEST REPS in the new opportunity.

I wonder what keeps someone in a company where they make no money ?
* Fear of Loss - They have been led to believe that SOME DAY will come where they will WIN
* Peer Pressure - Groups of Leaders talk negative about those who quite or do other things
* Focus - People are convinced that nothing is better than time spent in their MLM
- What happened to multiple streams of income and thinking like a BILLIONAIRE ?

Even after I have hit the top position in the company and out recruited other leaders
I even wonder why someone would continue doing something that is not working for


I made more money RESIDUALLY with my NEW OPPORTUNITY in 5 months
than I made in the first 2 years in my first company combined !!

What is CRAZY is - I did no Home Meetings, One on One's, Pbrs, or countless 3 way calls.
Why ? It just is NOT duplicatable !!

I wish everyone success and as we say !
Make It A GREAT DAY !!

Hugh Benjamin


  1. Awesome Hugh! I ask people.."If what you believe to be true wasn't when would you want to know?"
