Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome to my Blog about Network Marketing

Dear MLM Leaders,

I am going to write about my experience in Network Marketing. My main goal is to help those out there whom are really committed to success and also to help millions live a better life. On any path you need a mentor to guide you. From my past experience I have found that if you listen to people who get you involved in your opportunity then you better make sure you want what they have or at least understand what kind of lifestyle you are headed for.

Network Marketing has shifted and I am also going to share NEW Network Marketing concepts vs. the 60's and 70's methods of doing Network Marketing and why things are easier today. You can work smarter vs. the hard way that will not duplicate.

If you were going to go through Medical school and spend 12 years of education, and $100,000's of dollars on education - I would always suggest that you step into the life of the top people in your field and make sure that its what you really want.

My first Network Marketing company I followed through and hit the top position in the company. I may have done over 10,000 meetings, attended close to 30 international trainings, was even number 1 in the company on a few occasions and even trained a convention center full or distributors while launching new countries. I will also share how I was introduced to the opportunity - what I was led to believe by my mentors and the reality which was two different stories !!

After getting to know the top people in my 1st network marketing company I must say that I was not impressed by their character and ethics. Things such as having integrity, being a friend outside of the business, and the biggest thing is the top people didn't have time for me - since if they stopped building their business - their checks stopped.

I was not about to go down the path of where people lie, stretch the truth, and pretend to be a friend. Friendship is more than working in a Network Marketing company with someone. Your whole life if you are truly successful should contain balance. There were many top VP's in my opportunity that I helped along the way in the way of doing trainings for them, helping them create momentum and build their business that once I left the company - didn't have time to be friends, attend my wedding, or just get together outside of building their team. I will share and interact with the readers on this blog some of the things that I experienced with hopes of shedding some light to other business builders out there.

Yes absolutely I made money, and absolutely so do some others however there were more people not making money then making money. If I was going to put all my energy into something I wanted it to PAY me RESIDUAL INCOME.

So follow me along my journey and I will explain what worked and what didn't. O.P.W stands for Other People's Wisdom. I hope that many of you will learn from my experience so you can
gain knowledge of what it really takes to be a leader in your opportunity and and if I can help you along the way with ideas for YOUR SUCCESS then that is GREAT !!

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